Tag Archives | Left and Right

Pages of Liberty

Rothbard - Anatomy of the State

I’m done with my two-week libertarathon – tiring but fun. Now just two weeks before fall classes begin!

I notice that the Mises Institute has a lot of good pamphlets out, suitable for tabling – including Fréderic Bastiat’s The Law, Gustave de Molinari’s Production of Security, Étienne de la Boétie’s Discourse of Voluntary Servitude, Carl Menger’s Origins of Money, and Murray Rothbard’s Anatomy of the State and Left & Right: The Prospects for Liberty. (Now they just need to publish this baby.)

In other news, check out Kevin Carson on a day in the life under the corporate state.

Anarchy in America

As William Gillis points out, two important histories of individualist anarchism in the u.s. are now online: Eunice Schuster’s (confusingly titled) Native American Anarchism (1932) and Rudolf Rocker’s Pioneers of American Freedom (1949). These join James Martin’s (sexistly titled) Men Against the State (1953) and William Reichert’s Partisans of Freedom (1976), already online, making a nice quartet.

In related news, Mises.org just put up an article on Sam Konkin by Jeff Riggenbach.

Brynward Bound

Bryn Mawr

On Friday I’m off to Bryn Mawr to teach in an Institute for Humane Studies seminar on Advanced Studies in the Tradition of Liberty. This’ll be my first IHS event since the past century, I believe. My topics will be “Justice and Utility,” “Intellectual Property: Pro and Con,” and “Libertarians and the Left.” The other lecturers will be Randy Barnett, Steve Davies, John Hasnas, Amy Phillips, George Selgin, and Kit Wellman; here’s a schedule. This looks like a lot of fun.

I was at an IHS event at Bryn Mawr in 1994; if I recall correctly, the main street has a Borders at one end and a Barnes & Noble at the other, so I know where I’ll be during free time. (And on the free afternoon I imagine a bunch of us will take the train into Philadelphia.)

As soon as I get back, Mises University begins!

Addendum: At the request of IHS I’ve taken down the schedule.

Stateless News

Kevin Carson’s latest C4SS study, The Thermidor of the Progressives: Managerialist Liberalism’s Hostility to Decentralized Organization, is now online. As the subtitle suggests, the study documents the tendency of so-called “progressives” to side with power and privilege against genuine left radicalism.

In other C4SS news (not so new at this point), check out the first installment of Gary Chartier’s introductory course on anarchism for Stateless U.:

Watch some more here.

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