Tag Archives | Boring Administrative Stuff

The Evil Dead

Recent changes in my blog (necessitated by the fact that the .net version wasn’t updating) unfortunately make all links to aaeblog.net into dead links; only aaeblog.com works at the moment. Well, not dead exactly – but links to anything on aaeblog.net just go directly to the aaeblog.com main page. Alas, when I got this blog it was the .net version of the address that I distributed far and wide (I think that’s why my posts haven’t been showing up at LeftLibertarian.org lately, for example). So if you’ve got links or RSS feeds pointing to the .net version of this blog, you might want to change them to .com.

Support C4SS

Captain America: Who'd have suspected that all this was going on beneath the Western Badlands?  Falcon: A 'New America' growing inside the old.  The bills must be enormous.

Captain America and the Falcon are right – growing the new society within the shell of the old takes money! If you can, please support the Center for a Stateless Society’s fundraiser.

Beauty in Alabama

APC 09Next month (March 7-9) the Auburn University Philosophy Department is hosting its first annual philosophy conference – the Auburn Philosophy Conference, or APC for short.

It’ll have a different topic each year; this year’s topic is Beauty.

This first time around we have only invited speakers (hence no call for papers); this approach may or may not continue in the future.

Check out the website.

Check out the poster.

Be there or be rhomboid!

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