Float Like a Screwdriver, Crash Like a Helicarrier

A trailer for the upcoming Captain America sequel, which looks pretty good. Boost it to 1080p and fullscreen for maximal enjoyousness:

Also, here’s the latest clip from the even-sooner-upcoming Thor sequel. (I don’t recommend fullscreen for this one; even at 720p the resolution doesn’t look that great.)

And here’s the trailer for the Doctor Who 50th anniversary; 1080p/fullscreen recommended again. All previous Doctors are glimpsable in the trailer, though some are easier to notice than others.

Roderick Does Dallas

I’m back from the Dallas SFL regional meeting in Denton, which was terrific. Great to see old friends, and even greater to hang out with the hoopy froods from the Oklahoma S4SS.

Here’s a video of my talk:

And here’s an interview I did with Justin Oliver of the DFW chapter of ALL:

Boiling the Jaywalkers

So this guy made £35,000 selling forged celebrity autographs, and they caught him. Good. But they’ve also charged him with copyright violations, which is crap; and they’ve decided to lock him in a cage for 21 months, which is absurd. He should be forced to pay back the people he ripped off, to be sure; but he poses no serious danger to anybody. And even if I believed in retributive punishment, which I don’t, how could anyone think nearly two years’ imprisonment was a proportionate response to selling fake autographs?

Of course there is nothing unusual about this case.

Anarchy in Baltimore

Info on the next Molinari Society panel:

Eastern APA, Marriott Baltimore Waterfront, Sunday, 29 December:

Molinari Society, 11:15 a.m.-1:15 p.m. [GVIII-7, location TBA]:
Author Meets Critics: Michael Huemer, The Problem of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right to Coerce and the Duty to Obey

Roderick T. Long (Auburn University)

Julie Maybee (Lehman College-CUNY)
Jonathan Mahoney (Kansas State University)
Charles W. Johnson (Molinari Institute)

Michael Huemer (University of Colorado-Boulder)

I’ll also be chairing a (non-Molinari) session on Consequentialism on Dec. 30th, 9-11 a.m.

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