Search results for "eruditorum"

Don’t Tell Anyone About This, Because If You Do, You’ll Get Them Killed

I’ve previously mentioned media critic Phil Sandifer, who since early 2011 has been blogging his way through every episode of Doctor Who (plus related phenomena) from 1963 to the present. (The reference to a “psychochronograph” in the recent Doctor Who episode “Hide” was a shout-out to Phil’s blog, which until recently was titled “TARDIS Eruditorum: […]

A Troughton in the Milk

Phil Sandifer, who is blogging his way through the history of Doctor Who over at his fascinating and provocative TARDIS Eruditorum, has just released the second volume of the book version, this one focusing on the Troughton years. Like the first volume, the new book includes the relevant posts from the blog but also lots […]

Reverse the Jelly Baby

In his most recent TARDIS Eruditorum entry, Philip Sandifer gives the best defense I’ve seen of the NuWho sonic screwdriver, and his readers in the comments section respond with the best critique I’ve seen.

From Gallifrey to Themiscyra

Philip Sandifer, whose fascinating Doctor Who blog TARDIS Eruditorum I’ve mentioned previously (see here, here, and here), has released his first set of posts, on the Hartnell era, as a book, along with bonus material. Info here, buy here. Sandifer is also working on an equally fascinating Wonder Woman project, which will go forward only […]

Keep Warm, Part 3

Over at A Random String of Bits, some excellent commentary on (inter alia) “The Girl Who Waited,” “The God Complex,” and “The Wedding of River Song.” In other news, the very funny Adventures with the Wife in Space has just gotten through the Patrick Troughton era, while the always fascinating TARDIS Eruditorum is about a […]

Keep Warm, Part 2

I’ve previously mentioned the Adventures With the Wife in Space blog series, in which a couple – one a fan, one not – work their way through every Doctor Who episode from 1963 on. Another blog series that’s doing the same thing in a very different way is Philip Sandifer’s TARDIS Eruditorum. (CHT Jesse Walker.) […]

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