Archive | July, 2012

How Corporate Liberals Win, Part 2

Extremely sound reasoning, followed by an absolutely insane conclusion.

Inferring from “Ideologically, the Republican establishment doesn’t appreciate the difference between being pro-market and being pro-business” to “Romney is eminently qualified to make the pro-market case” makes about as much sense as saying “Every time I eat a polka-dot mushroom I get sick. Therefore, this giant polka-dot mushroom over here is eminently qualified to cure me.”

“Ergo, presto!” as Benjamin Tucker would say.

Is the Saddle Made of Potting Soil?

Headline in today’s paper: “Gay rights leader from Ark. lets his roots take the reins.”

I wonder whether people who mix metaphors like that have an impoverished imagination. Otherwise wouldn’t bizarre images leap to mind and force a rewrite?

Internet Freedom Is Slavery?

According to a leaked report (see here and here; CHT Brandon), the Campaign for Liberty’s upcoming internet freedom manifesto condemns as an “insidious” and “pernicious” form of “internet collectivism” the view that “what is considered to be in the public domain should be greatly expanded.” Bizarrely, they toss opposition into IP into a list of proposals for government intervention.

Hey, C4L: refraining from censorship and protectionism is not a form of government intervention. For the libertarian case against IP, check out the Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom and the Molinari Institute’s anti-copyright page.

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