The slogan “Anarchy is the radical notion that other people are not your property” – which as far as I can tell I coined (see here, here, here for the core idea; the rest was borrowed from the more famous slogan “Feminism is the radical notion that women are people”) – is now available from the Molinari Institute not only as a trendy t-shirt but also as a bodacious button.
Although you can’t tell from the picture, the red letters are much brighter and more distinct on the button than on the t-shirt.
Or be doubly cool and wear the anarchy button on your anarchy t-shirt.
For any minarchists who are feeling left out, I see that there’s an outfit on CafePress that sells minarchist paraphernalia, complete with a new minarchy symbol. See? minarchists can look stylish too.
But if you wear one of our anarchist buttons on one of their minarchist t-shirts, you will promptly explode. A is A, man. A isn’t M.