Archive | December 13, 2008

Rage Against the Machine

I’ve previously mentioned my annoyance at discovering, only after leaving Athens’ National Archeological Museum, that it houses the Antikythera mechanism (whose image graces my former blog’s archive page) and I’d somehow missed it.

Antikythera mechanism

As though to rub it in, now comes this story (conical hat tip to LRC) featuring a picture of the mechanism clearly on display in a hall of the museum, as if to say “how could you miss me?”

Lost in Space

BSG shuttle The first of ten Galactica webisodes premieres today to bridge the gap between the previous season, or half-season, or whatever they’re calling it, and the next, um, ditto.

SPOILER ALERT #1: If you haven’t finished watching the previous season, or half-season, or whatever they’re calling it, you shouldn’t watch these webisodes yet.

SPOILER ALERT #2: Don’t read the comments section here until you’ve watched the first webisode.

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