Tag Archives | Online Texts

Doctor’s Helper

Fans of DC Comics from the 1970s will recognise Neal Adams’ distinctive style on this true story about an artist’s struggle to recover her artwork from the Auschwitz Museum.

Dina Gottliebova in Auschwitz

Aristotle, Codevilla, Putnam

[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]

Stuff of mine that’s newly online:

Aristotle’s Conception of Freedom [Review of Metaphysics 49.4, June 1996]

Aristotle’s Egalitarian Utopia: The Polis kat’ eukhēn [M. H. Hansen, ed, The Imaginary Polis: Acts of the Copenhagen Polis Centre 7, 2005]

A Florentine in Baghdad: Codevilla on the War on Terror [Reason Papers 28, Spring 2006]

Review of Hilary Putnam’s Collapse of the Fact-Value Dichotomy [Reason Papers 28, Spring 2006]

Aristotle, Codevilla, Putnam


Ayn RandARI’s online version of “The Objectivist Ethics,” about whose incompleteness I previously plained, now finally appears to be complete – except that most of the footnotes are missing, including an important one on teleology.

So why is it that ARI still can’t manage to post Rand’s most important article without screwing it up? I mean, they’ve got a decent-sized budget and staff, plus this stuff is holy writ to them – so you’d think they’d have both the means and the motivation to get it right.

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