Tag Archives | Molinari/C4SS

A Slightly Less Unknown Ideal

The newest (March 2011) issue of The American Conservative features an article by Sheldon Richman titled “Libertarian Left: Free-Market Anti-Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal.” It discusses, inter alia, the Center for a Stateless Society, the Alliance of the Libertarian Left, Murray Rothbard, Ayn Rand, Roy Childs, Karl Hess, Thomas Hodgskin, Benjamin Tucker, Gabriel Kolko, Kevin Carson, Gary Chartier, William Gillis, and your humble correspondent. It’s a great piece to use to introduce left-libertarian ideas to the neophyte. (It’s currently available online only to subscribers, alas.)

Boston Anarchist Thinking Brigade, Part 4

The Molinari Society panels that were cancelled in Boston owing to weather have been resurrected! The spontaneous order panel is moving to the Austrian Scholars Conference (March 10-12 in Auburn), while the session on Gary Chartier’s book is moving to the Pacific APA (April 20-23 in San Diego). Thanks to Charles J. for suggesting I ask.

More details later. This has been an unusually hectic week for me: first a Liberty Fund in La Jolla last weekend, then a philosophy panel in Auburn, and right now I’m at an IHS gig in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Später, gator.

Boston Anarchist Thinking Brigade, Part 3

The space of reasons has been whacked in the face by the space of causes: most of our Molinari panelists – now including myself – are going to be unable to get to Boston, owing to inclement blizzardry and blitzcraft. Not sure yet whether those (if any!) who do make it are going to try to hold the panel or not.

Boston Anarchist Thinking Brigade, Part 2

My paper for the upcoming Molinari Symposium is now online.

In related news, Gary Chartier has decided to boycott air travel in order to protest the irradiate-or-grope screening process; I’ll be reading out his responses (along with Kevin Carson’s commentary) in absentia sua. Doug Den Uyl will also not be attending (though he’s not boycotting anything as far as I know); Doug Rasmussen will read out their joint commentary.

C4SS Launches Wikileaks Mirror

Center for a Stateless Society

For Immediate Release
POC Thomas L. Knapp

Media Contact:

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December 5th — “Censorship has always been wrong and irresponsible,” says Brad Spangler. “Now it’s another thing: Impossible.”

Spangler, director of the Center for a Stateless Society, announced on Sunday that the Center is now mirroring Wikileaks — an international whistle-blower site which reactionary elements in the US government have worked assiduously to suppress over the last week — and encouraging and assisting others in doing likewise.

“I feel [US Secretary of State] Hillary Clinton’s pain,” says Spangler. “Wikileaks’ release of 250,000 diplomatic cables previously hidden behind a state secrets wall has been tremendously embarrassing to her, not to mention implicating her in an international identity theft scheme that looks a lot like Watergate and the Zimmerman Telegram rolled into one.

“But embarrassment or not, state officials have no right to hide their misdeeds from the people who foot the bill, in money and blood, for government actions. Nor, now, do they have the power to do so.”

Using custom software developed by C4SS web administrator Mike Gogulski, the mirror site (wikileaks.c4ss.org) updates daily from Wikileaks’ servers regardless of where those servers are located.

C4SS is also making the software publicly available and encouraging others to mirror Wikileaks as well. “This is an opportunity for those who support freedom of information to take action,” says Gogulski. “We particularly hope to see people and organizations with greater resources than we dispose of — the Electronic Frontier Foundation, for example, or US Representative Ron Paul’s IT staff — making use of those resources, and of the tool we’re offering, to settle this issue once and for all.”

“The toothpaste is out of the tube and we intend to keep it out of the tube,” says Spangler. “This information will remain publicly available to anyone who cares to look it over.”

about 300 words

C4SS Mirror of Wikileaks:

Information on setting up your own mirror:

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