Anna Morgenstern writes:
Lets first examine the favorite whipping boy of many people, libertarianism. The problem, as some of the more clever leftoids have argued, is that the ruling class will look through this laundry list and throw their weight behind the parts of it that strengthen their position, and discard the rest, thus making libertarianism into a less aggressively socially conservative form of conservatism.
Lower taxes?
Sure, let’s lower taxes for the rich.
Less regulation?
Well, lets remove the regulations that counteract corporate power, but not the other ones (see: Enron).
Legalize drugs?
No friggin way, chief.
But whats not clearly understood is that this is also true for liberalism and so-called social democracy or democratic socialism or what have you. Modern American liberalism is simply Mass Corporatism on steroids.
(Read the celý piroh.)