Charles latest BHL post comments on the latest issue of the Freeman.
Tag Archives | Molinari/C4SS
Liberty Mutual
C4SS is starting a new feature, called Mutual Exchange, somewhat on the model of Catos Cato Unbound.
First up is a piece by Anthony Gregory taking issue with Kevin Carsons recent article on corporations. Replies by Kevin and others will be posted later.
Other exchanges will follow, including a continuation of the Molinari Society symposium on spontaneous order.
Forbidden Reading
The latest issue of the Freeman features articles by Charles Johnson on monopoly capitalism, Kevin Carson on managerial progressivism, Gary Chartier on class analysis, Carl Watner on Lysander Spooner, Sheldon Richman on Lawrence ODonnell and the IMF, and lots of other good stuff including a piece by Ludwig von Mises titled Ludwig von Mises: Economist, Philosopher, Prophet (though I gather that Mises didnt choose the title).
Cordial and Sanguine, Part 11
Charles latest BHL post is The (Philosophical) Battle of Seattle. Its some more info about the CFP for the Molinari Societys April 2012 meeting.
Cordial and Sanguine, Part 10
Charles has another post up at BHL: Im Against Free Trade Agreements Because Im For Free Trade.
Cordial and Sanguine, Part 9
Charles Johnsons post on Libertarian Anticapitalism is up at BHL.