Tag Archives | Molinari/C4SS

Gary Chartier Joins Molinari Institute Board

Law professor joins anarchist think tank
April 12, 2013
Anarchist think tank adds professor of law and business ethics to its board of directors.

AUBURN, ALABAMA – April 12, 2013 – Molinari Institute –

Gary Chartier

Gary Chartier

The Molinari Institute, a left-wing market anarchist think tank based in Auburn, Alabama, announced today the addition of Gary Chartier to its board of directors. Chartier is Professor of Law and Business Ethics and Associate Dean of the Tom and Vi Zapara School of Business at La Sierra University in Riverside, California; author of Economic Justice and Natural Law, The Conscience of an Anarchist, and Anarchy and Legal Order: Law and Politics for a Stateless Society; co-editor with Charles W. Johnson of Markets Not Capitalism: Individualist Anarchism Against Bosses, Inequality, Corporate Power, and Structural Poverty; and a blogger at Bleeding Heart Libertarians. He already serves as Senior Fellow and Trustee of the Center for a Stateless Society, a media center that serves as an autonomous extension of the Molinari Institute.

“It’s a distinct honor to be associated with the Molinari Institute,” said Chartier. “I welcome this exciting opportunity to join a team of capable philosophers committed to highlighting the liberatory potential of bottom-up social organization and market freedom!”

Molinari Institute president Roderick T. Long added, “Gary Chartier is one of the best libertarian thinkers working today, and one of the foremost defenders of the liberatory potential of radically freed markets as a humane alternative to both hierarchical capitalism and the monopoly state. We’re absolutely delighted to have him on board.”

Chartier joins philosophers Roderick T. Long (Auburn University), Charles W. Johnson (Alliance of the Libertarian Left), and Jennifer McKitrick (University of Nebraska – Lincoln) on the Molinari Institute board.

The mission of the Molinari Institute is to promote understanding of the philosophy of Market Anarchism as a sane, consensual alternative to the hypertrophic violence of the State. The Institute takes its name from Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912), originator of the theory of Market Anarchism.

Roderick T. Long
Molinari Institute

Panarchical Panegyric

Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau?  Morons!

It’s often been speculated that Paul-Émile de Puydt’s 1860 essay Panarchy might have been influenced by his fellow Belgian Gustave de Molinari’s similar ideas about competitive security services in his 1849 works The Production of Security and Soirées on the Rue Saint-Lazare.

Well, I don’t have new light on that question, exactly, but I have discovered that De Puydt’s essay received a highly favourable review in a journal edited by Molinari. I’ve just translated and posted the review, here.

Another Molinari/C4SS/ALL Wild West Tour

Upcoming Molinari/C4SS/ALL events in San Francisco (next week) and Hawaii (next month):

Pacific APA, Westin St. Francis, San Francisco, Wednesday, 27 March:

Molinari Society, 6:00-9:00 p.m. (or so) [G2E, room TBA]

Author Meets Critics: Gary Chartier’s Anarchy and Legal Order: Law and Politics for a Stateless Society

Eric Roark (Millikin University)
Roderick T. Long (Auburn University)
Kevin Vallier (Bowling Green State University) [Kevin is likely to be absent, owing to impending paternity]

Gary Chartier (La Sierra University)

APEE, Sheraton Maui Resort, Lahaina, Maui HI, Tuesday, 16 April:

Topics in Free-Market Anti-Capitalism, 11:15 a.m.-12:25 p.m. [T5, room TBA]

Charles Johnson (Molinari Institute), “The Bold and the Beautiful: Commercial Concepts and the Company They Keep”
Ross Kenyon (University of Arizona), “The Class Divide in Libertarian Politics”
Roderick T. Long (Auburn University), “Left-Libertarianism, Class Conflict, and Historical Theories of Distributive Justice”
G. Patrick Lynch (Liberty Fund), “Liberty and Responsibility in the Writings of Isaiah Berlin and Vincent Ostrom”

I’ll also be on a Bastiat panel on Monday the 16th.

iRad I.2 in Print, iRad I.1 Online

The second issue (Winter 2013) of The Industrial Radical goes to the printer today, featuring articles by B-psycho, Kevin Carson, Gary Chartier, William Gillis, Anthony Gregory, Thomas L. Knapp, Anna Morgenstern, Darian Worden, and your humble correspondent, on topics ranging from police brutality, gun control, immigration policy, and left-libertarianism to Hugo Chávez’s mixed legacy, Noam Chomsky’s inconsistencies, Rand Paul’s anti-drone filibuster, the intersection between anarcho-syndicalism and agorism, and of course Star Wars.

The Industrial Radical I.2 (Winter 2013)

With each new issue published, we post the immediately preceding issue online. Hence a free pdf file of our first issue (Autumn 2012) is now available here.

Want to write for The Industrial Radical? See our information for authors and copyright policy.

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Want to give an additional donation to the Molinari Institute? Contribute to our General Fund.

Note: we’ve had only one General Fund donation in the past three years, which is why our publishing schedule has been a bit sluggish. Most of our non-subscription donations go to C4SS, which is great – please do support C4SS – but the Molinari Institute side of the Molinari/C4SS amalgam has been running on fumes a bit. Give to the General Fund, or the terrorists win!

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