Tag Archives | Left-Libertarian
Labortarian Libertopian Labor Day
The Molinari Institute is having a fundraiser to pay for literature, speaker travel, and student scholarships at Libertopia 2013; details here.
Molinari Unbound! – Cinquième Soirée
David Harts contribution to the Molinarifest is posted.
You may be tempted to ask why a contribution labeled #3 was posted after a contribution labeled #4. If so, I would advise you to squelch your curiosity. Remember what happened to Irina Spalko.
Molinari Unbound! – Quatrième Soirée
Matt Zwolinskis contribution to the Molinarifest has been posted. Matt raises some skeptical worries about anarchism.
Molinari Unbound! – Troisième Soirée
Now David Friedmans response is posted. Actually it might make more sense to read Davids first and Garys second, since Garys is a kind of preemptive reply to David.
Molinari Unbound! – Deuxième Soirée
Garys response to my Molinari essay has been posted. His question: if Molinaris labour-exchanges were a less than satisfactory way to redress the imbalance of power between labour and capital, what might be done instead?