Tag Archives | Left-Libertarian

The Man of System; or, See the Pyramids Along the Niagara

I’ve never read The Human Drift, an 1894 utopian novel by King Gillette, inventor of the safety razor – and not to be confused with Jack London’s book of the same name – but judging from the book’s write-up on Wikipedia, I don’t think it’s going to be getting a Prometheus Hall of Fame Award any time soon. In particular it sounds like a cross between F. A. Hayek’s and Kevin Carson’s worst nightmares:

The book details Gillette’s plans for social and technological advancements that would replace the chaos of contemporary existence, which he termed the “human drift,” with steady and predictable progress.

Gillette's rational cityGillette starts his book with a discussion of the role of the business tycoon in social reform. Gillette propounded the somewhat paradoxical view that the business magnate is the natural leader of reform, because of his rationality and his understanding of the power of capital. …

The main substance of the book, however, is Gillette’s plan for an immense three-level metropolis (called “Metropolis”) on the site of Niagara Falls. Designed to accommodate a population of tens of millions of inhabitants, the mega-city would draw its electric power from the Falls. … Gillette’s city was to possess “a perfect economical system of production and distribution,” run by a World Corporation; it would in fact be the only city on the North American continent. Economies of scale would mean that a single one of every necessary facility – one steel mill, one shoe factory, etc. – would exist. Advances in mechanization would generate ever-greater efficiencies, and ever-greater wealth for the whole society. …

Gillette gives a highly specific picture of his metropolis: it is shaped in a perfect rectangle, 135 miles on the long side and 45 on the short. … Gillette favored circular buildings, even for residences (25-floor apartment complexes), and a hexagonal street plan. … The text of The Human Drift was accompanied with abundant illustrations and plans, a graph of the “Educational and Industrial Pyramid,” and other features of Gillette’s scheme.

A quick websearch unearthed an image of the aforementioned Educational and Industrial Pyramid, which looks pretty much as one would expect:

Gillette's pyramid

Accompanying text explains that “the divisions of the pyramid from base to apex represent the Grand Divisions of Industry – all of which finally merge into the ‘WORLD CORPORATE CONGRESS.’ Under this system the individual is free to choose his path of inclination, and his progress cannot be barred.” (But what if the individual’s path of inclination is to build a non-circular house or to make shoes in competition with the One Shoe Factory? That would be anarchy!)

Bash Back

A letter I just sent:

Dear members of the LP National and/or Platform Committees:

Liberty betrayedI’m writing to express my concern over reported comments by LP Platform Committee member Rick Randall to the effect that free-market anarchists are not genuine Libertarians and should be ousted from the Party: “Every time they surface, the mainstream (true) Libertarians quickly recognize them for what they are (people more interested in promoting in-fighting and, well … anarchy, than liberty) and oust them.”

I’m frankly worried about the ability of Mr. Randall to carry out his duties fairly and objectively, given how poorly informed, and evidently prejudiced, he appears to be relative to the Party’s longtime anarchist contingent.

I urge the Committees to demand an apology from Mr. Randall; and I urge Mr. Randall himself to acquaint himself more thoroughly both with the basics of anarchist theory and with the history of the party he claims to represent.

Flourish in liberty,

Roderick T. Long
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Auburn University
President, Molinari Institute
Region 3 Representative, Libertarian Party of Alabama

Irish Bull

Dermot Ahern, Ireland’s Minister for Justice (sic), is calling for a law whereby anyone who intentionally utters or publishes material “grossly abusive or insulting in relation to matters held sacred by any religion, thereby causing outrage among a substantial number of the adherents of that religion,” would be penalised by a “fine not exceeding €100,000.”

In the event that the law passes, I look forward to seeing Ahern prosecuted under his own law, which is clearly insulting to the libertarian beliefs of the Universal Life Church.


Speaking in Ghana, President Obama recently called for the abolition of the American form of government:

AnarchobamaNo country is going to create wealth if its leaders exploit the economy to enrich themselves, or if police can be bought off by drug traffickers.

No business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20 percent off the top, or the head of the Port Authority is corrupt. No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery.

That is not democracy, that is tyranny, even if occasionally you sprinkle an election in there, and now is the time for that style of governance to end.

Oh, wait. Sorry, I’ve just been informed that the president intended his remarks to apply solely to Africa ….

On Marvellous Things Heard

The other night on tv I heard Chuck Hagel expressing his hope that US/Russia arms talks would be the first step toward a “nuclear-free universe.” (Good luck convincing the Vl’hurgs.)

I also heard a Senator or Rep, whose name I didn’t catch, insisting that health care policy should focus on “wellness prevention.”

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