Sometimes questions answer themselves.
Tag Archives | Left-Libertarian
Lifestyles of the Rich and Idle
Amidst all the endlessly tedious media hoopla over Ted Kennedys death, I heard one good anecdote. During a period when Kennedy was being attacked by an opponent for never having worked a day in his life, he supposedly visited an ironworks factory where he was accosted by a labourer who asked him: Is it true youve never worked a day in your life? As Kennedy hemmed and hawed, the labourer said: Believe me, you aint missed a thing.
Which in turn reminds me of the anecdote about Queen Victoria, who supposedly said: It must be fun to work, because its so much fun to watch other people work.
Which reminds me yet further of an old New Yorker cartoon of an obviously wealthy woman lounging contentedly while, nearby, her husband (or perhaps lover) is telling a friend: I never told her about the Depression. She would have worried.
Gain Some Pounds!
Libertarian Alliance
Can a libertarian be a conservative? Answer this question and win £1000. (CHT Joel Schlosberg.)
Although Im quoted in the announcement in apparent support of the no side, I actually think the answer to the question is yes. Of course its a yes, but … (in that I take libertarianism to be thickly bound up with lefty values even if it doesnt strictly entail them and I could sign on to statements such as the libertarian rejects conservatism in the same spirit as I would such Thompson-style categoricals as the tufted warbler flies south in the winter even if many actual tufted warblers, owing to disorientation and bewilderment, never get airborne), but I reckon the contest judges will accept yes, but … answers.
Does the world really need a 131-foot-tall statue of Genghis Khan?
Apparently some wealthy folks in Mongolia (apparently a private company rather than the government, though I dont know how sharp that distinction is) think so; see details here and here.
C4SS Advisory Panel Announced
Market anarchist media center names advisory panel.
AUBURN, ALABAMA August 19, 2009 Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS) Center for a Stateless Society Director Brad Spangler today announced formation of an advisory panel for the market anarchist media center.
Gary Chartier, Stephan Kinsella, Wendy McElroy, Sheldon Richman, Shawn Wilbur
Named to the C4SS Advisory Panel were Stephan Kinsella, Wendy McElroy, Shawn Wilbur, Sheldon Richman and Gary Chartier.
The Center for a Stateless Society is the Molinari Institutes media center. The mission of the Molinari Institute is to promote understanding of the philosophy of Market Anarchism as a sane, consensual alternative to the hypertrophic violence of the State. The Institute takes its name from Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912), originator of the theory of Market Anarchism.
Brad Spangler
Center for a Stateless Society
Non-Update Update
For those following the saga: my lawyer says I should have some news from him in a couple of weeks.
In other news, I had an email meltdown yesterday on my Auburn account and lost thousands of emails. Our IT department is looking into seeing whether they can recover them.
Whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad ….