Tag Archives | Left and Right

Advocatus Diaboli

Fazil Mihlar has an article in the Vancouver Sun titled Saint Wal-Mart?. (Conical hat tip to LRC.) The question mark is superfluous – it’s the usual right-libertarian hagiography of Wal-Mart.

He includes his e-mail at the end of the article, so I wrote him the following note:

I read your article on Wal-Mart with interest. But I think you’ve left out one important source of Wal-Mart’s low prices – government intervention.

WaltchmartWal-Mart stores frequently acquire their land by eminent domain; in other words, they get to acquire land at lower prices than those at which the owners would be willing to sell voluntarily.

Once in business, such stores further benefit from various sorts of corporate welfare, both the direct kind and such indirect forms as the mass of regulations that have the indirect effect of making it harder for small companies to compete with big ones. As companies grow, diseconomies of scale eventually surpass economies of scale, placing a natural curb on their growth; but government regulation, by stalling competition, allows companies to continue growing past this point by externalising their costs.

Moreover, Wal-Mart’s entire business model depends heavily on federal transportation subsidies; so its competition with local businesses doesn’t exactly occur on a level playing field.

Both Wal-Mart’s critics and its defenders usually see it as an embodiment of the free market. But to me Wal-Mart looks like just one more special interest feeding at the taxpayers’ trough.

I’m opposed to Wal-Mart because I like the free market.

If others want to mail him, he’s at fmihlar@png.canwest.com.

Thomas Knapp named News Analyst at C4SS


Veteran libertarian activist and internet news publisher becomes second C4SS paid staff member.

AUBURN, ALABAMA – March 20, 2009 – Center for a Stateless Society – Prominent libertarian activist and news publisher Thomas Knapp has joined the Center for a Stateless Society as the Center’s second paid part-time staff member. In his role as News Analyst beginning April 1st, 2009, Knapp will be producing one or more op-ed pieces per week as well as mentoring volunteer contributing writers.

Tom KnappKnapp has long been associated with “the libertarian wing of the Libertarian Party” and is the founder of its breakaway ultra-faction, the Boston Tea Party. As well as being a prolific blogger on the side, Knapp brings over a decades experience with online news writing, editing, publishing and team leadership; first for the former Free-Market.Net and later for his own publication, Rational Review. He is author of the e-book “Writing the Libertarian Op-Ed,” among other works.

C4SS Director Brad Spangler said of the move “Knapp was the logical choice for the position. His continuing editorship of Rational Review News Digest immerses him in the news cycle so thoroughly that it can only be likened to a fish in water. This is the man who produces the daily crib notes for an entire eco-system of libertarian online content producers. His wealth of experience means he is uniquely suited to explain to the general public how libertarian principles, consistently applied, reach beyond the inconsistent market liberalism of figures like U.S. Congressman Ron Paul into full-blown market anarchism. We’re very pleased to announce Tom is joining the Center.”


The mission of the Molinari Institute is to promote understanding of the philosophy of Market Anarchism as a sane, consensual alternative to the hypertrophic violence of the State. The Institute takes its name from Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912), originator of the theory of Market Anarchism. The Center for a Stateless Society is the Molinari Institute’s media center.

Brad Spangler
Center for a Stateless Society


Watching Colbert right now, as self-righteous but befuddled liberals who think the New Deal ended the Depression are bashing self-righteous but befuddled conservatives who think World War II ended the Depression. Drag this New Republic hack off and bring on Gaiman already!

Here’s Mud In Your Eye

Pete Seeger wrote this song as an allegory for LBJ and the Vietnam War. But it applies just as well to Bush and Iraq – or to Obama and the Stimulus.

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