Tag Archives | Left and Right

Report From Libertopia, Part 4

I’m back from Libertopia, hanging out in the Atlanta airport waiting for my shuttle to Auburn.

Yesterday morning I attended Charles’ FMAC Q&A (unfortunately scheduled opposite Gary’s talk on war), David Gordon’s critique of argumentation ethics (yes!), and a “Declaration of Independence 2.0” presentation by Gary, Sky Conway, and Stefan Molyneux (the latter of whom peered with puzzlement at my feminist button).

In the afternoon I spoke on a free cities panel (subbing for Michael Strong, who’s tied up – not literally I hope – in Honduras fighting a court challenge to his free city project), and after that Charles, Gary, Sheldon, and I had an FMAC panel. Between sessions we tabled. As always, a great time. Photos to follow. See also the Molinari news page.

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