Tag Archives | Democracy

Serving Two Masters

According to the latest LP press release:

Constitution burning

Elena Kagan is another bad pick for the Supreme Court. If confirmed, it is likely that she will vote on cases with the intent of advancing political policy goals.

Kagan will probably vote to advance liberal policy goals, just as some other justices vote to advance conservative policy goals. That is not the place of justices, who should be applying the Constitution, not trying to rewrite it to make society work better according to their views. …

Once upon a time, Congress felt it had a duty to legislate in accordance with the Constitution. Likewise, past presidents believed that they should veto laws that were not clearly constitutional. But in more recent years, both branches have thrown this crucial duty away. …

And so on.

So are they the Libertarian Party or are they the Constitution Party? Which is their more basic value: the nonaggression principle or the Constitution? If there is a “duty” on the part of Federal officials to set aside their own judgment in favour of the Constitution, does that mean they also had a duty to enforce the fugitive slave cause?

Tea For Two

I was going to write something about CPAC and the tea parties. But then I remembered that I’d already written this last spring.

Notes From All Over

Prague's Charles Bridge

Observations of a various, sundry, and miscellaneous character:

Addendum: I notice that the deadline for submitting a paper to the PCPE has been extended, so if you want to hang out with libertarians in one of Europe’s most beautiful cities next month, why not consider it?

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