A Sound of Dreadful Speech

Last night I saw the new Thor/Valkyrie team-up movie (though for some reason they’re calling it Men in Black: International).

Nothing great (and I saw the main plot twist coming a mile away), but it was fun.

A peeve: it’s annoying when the staff workers enter the theatre during the credits and talk loudly and use their phones etc. while they’re waiting for the credits to end and for the few remaining viewers to leave. I realise they’re impatient to clean up and go home; but I paid for the movie and would kind of like to see all of it. And shouldn’t the ban on talking and cell phone use during the movie apply as much to them as to the audience?

On Bad Reasons for War

There are good reasons to be skeptical about the official u.s. story of the Gulf of Oman incident.

But suppose the official u.s. story is 100% true. Would that be a reason to escalate by launching a war involving massive loss of innocent life? Hell no.

Leonard Cohen Month, Songs 23-24

June 12:

Humbled in Love (1979):

I’m Your Man (1988):

Bonus track – the delightful Gary Beacom was actually my introduction to Leonard Cohen, though I didn’t recognise this until I heard the song again:

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