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Socialism Is Here At Last!

[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]

Socialism triumphant I’ve finally finished posting Francis Tandy’s 1896 individualist anarchist work Voluntary Socialism. Chapter 9 defends the occupancy-and-use theory of land ownership, and criticises the Georgist alternative. Chapter 10 is a critique of intellectual property. Chapter 11 criticises the assumption that workers’ cooperatives would dominate the post-capitalist economy. Chapter 12 takes on the postal monopoly. Chapter 13 defends education over electoral politics and violent revolution as a method of advancing anarchism. Chapter 12 – the most depressing for a present-day anarchist – points to signs that the cultural power of statism is waning (in 1896). Finally, an appendix offers suggestions for future reading.

I’ve also posted a contemporary review by one K. C. Felton (who seems not to have read Tandy’s book very carefully).

Coming soon: more Dyer Lum!

Nomen Omen

Most libertarian name for an insurance company:

Liberty Mutual

Least libertarian name for an insurance company:


Perhaps State Farm should get Special Soviet Mention.

Same Train?

MINARCHIST: First let’s join forces to trim all the branches. After that, we can argue about whether to kill the root.

ANARCHIST: Since I already know I want to kill the root, why should I wait until we first trim the branches? If I kill the root now, the branches will die of themselves.

(Further elaboration, if anyone needs it.)

Plus or Minus

William Gillis rejects natural rights theory as a basis for libertarianism, on the grounds that “as a theoretical physicist I find its assumptions (like the distinction between positive and negative action) about as reasonable as golden thrones in the clouds and holy trinities.”

drowning your sorrows I must gently point out that if an idea is inherently crazy when it shows up in the premises, it cannot suddenly become okay when it shows up in the conclusion (even if the conclusion is now derived from different premises). Or, equally, if it is okay in the conclusion, then it can’t be inherently crazy in the premises. In other words, when an idea (such as the distinction between positive and negative action) is all-pervasively presupposed in one’s policy proposals, one cannot coherently reject the distinction as part of the basis for those proposals.

Incidentally, I don’t know what the grounds for William’s skepticism of the positive/negative distinction are, but some critics of the distinction argue that if one’s decision (be it a decision to “kill” or a decision to “let die”) is part of the overall constellation of circumstances that is sufficient for someone’s death, then there is no interesting metaphysical (not just ethical) distinction between the two cases. I think this argument is confused; here’s a story from Fred Miller that’s useful therapy for such confusion:

A and B are hitchhikers who catch a ride with C. C drops A off in D-town and B off in E-town. In D-town, A sees F standing near the edge of a cliff; A pushes F off the cliff; F falls into the river and drowns. In E-town, B sees G standing near the edge of a cliff; G falls off the cliff on his/her own; B could save G, but instead stands and watches G drown.

drowning your sorrows even more Now in order to claim that there is no interesting metaphysical difference between A’s relation to F’s death and B’s relation to G’s death, one must in strict consistency also claim that there is no interesting metaphysical difference between C’s relation to F’s death and C’s relation to G’s death; C either makes a causal contribution (and we’re not talking about moral responsibility, just causal contribution) to both deaths or to neither. But no one (presumably) will seriously make such a claim. Obviously C makes an (inadvertent) causal contribution to F’s death but not to G’s. (To deny this, I maintain, is to fail to recollect the grammar of the concept of causation.) Hence there must also be a difference between A’s relation to F’s death and B’s relation to G’s death, QED.

Invasion of the Tramps

As soon as a new party springs up and begins to show signs of success, a lot of political tramps are immediately attracted to its ranks. Bob Barr likes him some giant flagThese men possess a certain amount of influence. They are trained politicians, well versed in the art of packing conventions and proficient at counting the ballots. When they come to the new party with crocodile tears of repentance coursing down their cheeks, it is too weak to refuse their aid. It opens its arms and kissing away their repentant tears, places them in the front rank where glory awaits them. The result of this is a large gain in votes and sometimes success at the polls. But this victory is only gained at the expense of principle, and the last state of that party is worse than the first.
(Francis D. Tandy, Voluntary Socialism, ch. 13, 1896)

Random July 4th Roundup

Happy Independence Day! Celebrate the American Revolution! The one currently underway, I mean.

Old Glory Meanwhile, check out this article about how easy it is for our immigration laws to turn a U.S. citizen into an undocumented alien overnight, and the Kafkaesque nightmare that awaits those attempting to undo the tangle.

In other news, the first comment in over two years has been added to the Mises blog post discussing the Kevin Carson JLS symposium. I link to it because otherwise no one will see it (I only know about it because I authored the original post and so receive automated updates). Those interested in the pros and cons of the labour theory of value, take a look.

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