The Molinari Society will be holding its seventh annual Symposium this time with two sessions in conjunction with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association in Boston, December 27-30, 2010. Heres the latest schedule info:
GIV-3. Tuesday, 28 December 2010, 2:00-5:00 p.m.
Molinari Society Symposium, SESSION 1:
Author Meets Critics: Gary Chartiers Economic Justice and Natural Law
Marriott/Westin-Copley, precise location TBA
chair: Roderick T. Long (Auburn University)
Jennifer Baker (College of Charleston)
Kevin A. Carson (Center for a Stateless Society) [Commentary online: to be read in absentia]
David Gordon (Ludwig von Mises Institute)
Douglas Den Uyl (Liberty Fund)
Douglas B. Rasmussen (St. Johns University)
Gary Chartier (La Sierra University)
GVII-4. Wednesday, 29 December 2010, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Molinari Society Symposium, SESSION 2:
Topic: Spontaneous Order
Marriott/Westin-Copley, location TBA
chair: Gary Chartier (La Sierra University)
Charles Johnson (Molinari Institute)
Women and the Invisible Fist: How Violence Against Women Enforces the Unwritten Law of Patriarchy
Roderick T. Long (Auburn University)
Invisible Hands and Incantations: The Mystification of State Power
Nina Brewer-Davis (Auburn University)
Reshef Agam-Segal (Auburn University)
As part of the APAs continuing policy to prevent free riders, theyre not telling us the name of the room until we get to the registration desk. As part of our policy of combating evil we will of course broadcast the name of the room far and wide as soon as we learn it.
This year we have managed to avoid any schedule conflict with the Ayn Rand Society (Dec. 28th, 9:00-11:00) or Jan Narvesons author-meets-critics session (Dec. 30th, 9:00-12:00) but not, alas, with the American Association for the Philosophic Study of Society (Dec. 29th, 9:00-11:00).