Ayn Rand
The last issue of Journal of Libertarian Studies last as in most recent (it remains to be seen whether its the last absolutely, as there might be at least one more issue) was devoted inter alia to a symposium on the 50th anniversary of Atlas Shrugged, with new contributions by Barbara Branden, Geoff Plauché, and Jennifer Baker, and two previously unpublished pieces by Murray Rothbard one an amazingly revealing fan letter to Rand, and one a defense of Rands aesthetic theory. (The rest of the issue is interesting too, including a dandy piece by Bob Higgs on anarchism. For further details, see the summaries here and here.)
Im particularly proud of that issue but until recently, it wasnt available online yet. Now it is. Gaudete igitur.
It looks to me as though hard copies of that issue (21.4) are available for sale also, but I havent tested whether thats true.