Archive | November 29, 2006

Molinari Event Tomorrow

C. L. R. James Tomorrow night Matthew Quest of the Onyx Foundation will be speaking at Auburn on the topic “Pan-African historian C.L.R. James’ views on Democracy in Ancient Greece.” I’ll be commenting. The event is being sponsored by the Auburn University Libertarians, the Onyx Foundation, and the Molinari Institute.

For anyone planning to be in the area, it’ll be in Foy Union 217 at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, November 30. Here are the background readings.

Incidentally, the Onyx Foundation in general, and Matthew’s work in particular, represent precisely the sort of potential intersection of “left ” and “libertarian” concerns that I’m forever blathering about, while the focus on classical Greece adds the Austro-Athenian dimension as well. (For Quest’s work on James see here.)

JLS 20.3: What Lies Within?

[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]

Milton Friedman in the JLS In the newest issue (20.3) of the Journal of Libertarian Studies, Bertrand Lemennicier criticises game-theoretic defenses of the state; Carl Watner defends the effectiveness of organised nonviolent resistance as a response to military invasion; Barry Simpson compares Robert Lewis Dabney and Hans-Hermann Hoppe on the cultural effects of democracy; Walter Block and the late Milton Friedman (in what sadly turned out to be the last publication of Friedman’s lifetime) debate gradualist versus extremist approaches to libertarianism; Jan Lester takes issue with David Conway’s defense of liberal nationalism; Marcus Verhaegh raises worries about Jacob Levy’s “multiculturalism of fear”; and William Anderson praises Andrew Napolitano’s account of the decline of constitutional government.

Read a fuller summary of 20.3’s contents here.

Read summaries of previous issues under my editorship here.

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