Tag Archives | Molinari/C4SS

Stateless News

Kevin Carson’s latest C4SS study, The Thermidor of the Progressives: Managerialist Liberalism’s Hostility to Decentralized Organization, is now online. As the subtitle suggests, the study documents the tendency of so-called “progressives” to side with power and privilege against genuine left radicalism.

In other C4SS news (not so new at this point), check out the first installment of Gary Chartier’s introductory course on anarchism for Stateless U.:

Watch some more here.

Machineries of Freedom

Two very good things have happened:

David Friedman’s The Machinery of Freedom, one of the most influential free-market anarchist works of the last 100 years, is now available online (in PDF format).

Kevin Carson’s latest book, The Homebrew Industrial Revolution, is now in print.

Bus Free Stateless

Quick postscript on Molinari/C4SS doings: we’ve also signed a promotion deal with the Motorhome Diarists’ Liberty on Tour project; details here.

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