Tag Archives | Molinari/C4SS

Perils of Minarchist Advocacy

Some advice on strategy from Darian Worden:

guy with club

Advocating anarchy is more practical than advocating minimal government.

To say that government should only be involved in matters of force gives off the perception that you want to use government only as a club, and never as a crutch – to hurt people, not to help them. You’ll be seen not as a principled individual, but as someone who wants to make oppression run more efficiently and cares most about keeping people in line. …

The military, police, and court-prison systems are actually the worst offenders of government and support the rest of its crimes. They should be delegitimized to stop authority’s attacks on freedom.

Read the entire piroh.

Pages of Liberty

Rothbard - Anatomy of the State

I’m done with my two-week libertarathon – tiring but fun. Now just two weeks before fall classes begin!

I notice that the Mises Institute has a lot of good pamphlets out, suitable for tabling – including Fréderic Bastiat’s The Law, Gustave de Molinari’s Production of Security, Étienne de la Boétie’s Discourse of Voluntary Servitude, Carl Menger’s Origins of Money, and Murray Rothbard’s Anatomy of the State and Left & Right: The Prospects for Liberty. (Now they just need to publish this baby.)

In other news, check out Kevin Carson on a day in the life under the corporate state.

C4SS Monthly Fundraiser

Guest Blog by Brad Spangler

[cross-posted at C4SS]

Dear Supporters of the Center for a Stateless Society,

It’s time for me to again report to you on our financial situation and ask you to please help us pay some bills. Our fundraising goal this month is $1,320. Please support our work. Donate using the ChipIn widget on any page of our web site. Financial details follow …

We have had $1820 in total expenses for this past month of June. Those expenses are partially offset by $300 in income from recurring donations. Additionally, we’ve received several hundred dollars in online course fees for the Stateless-U program of online courses. Because those course fees are not a monthly source of income, though, as well as because enrollees can potentially drop classes and ask for their money back during the remainder of the month of July, we’re only counting a portion of that money toward the June expenses; $200.

That, then, is how we arrived at our fundraising goal for this month:





The monthly expense breakdown is pretty similar to what you’ve seen in recent months. Tom Knapp is now our part-time Media Coordinator, so his pay has changed. Although you’ll continue to see the occasional written commentary from him, Tom is now mostly doing promotional work aimed at media placement of our content. Darian Worden is now making more money as well because he’s taking up some of the writing slack from Tom writing less. Additionally, I’m drawing a $100 monthly stipend now and had $20 in phone expenses this past month. Here’s the expense listing:


Research Associate: Carson — $425
News Analyst: Knight — $160
News Analyst: Worden — $260
Web Administrator: Gogulski — $215
Media Coordinator: Knapp — $640
Director (Stipend & Expenses): Spangler — $120


That’s where we’re at right now.

Will you please support our work? Donate using the ChipIn widget on any page of our web site.


Brad Spangler,
Director, Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS)

Defense of Marriage

I was pleased to see that the article on libertarian feminism that Charles and I wrote a few years back is discussed in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s entry on liberal feminism. (The entry also cites two pieces by my friend Elizabeth Brake.)

(Unfortunately, the entry gets Charles’s name wrong and cites an obsolete version of our article, but we should be able to get that fixed.)

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